
Feel safe leaving your pet in our capable hands!

Often pet-parents feel their only resort is to leave Aragog in a kennel. Pets end up suffering unneeded stress from 'travel trauma', abnormal routine, minimal exercise, and handler carelessness. Many require expensive vaccinations that don't always eliminate the chance of an illness.

None of our services require relocation and all of our services provide a free first-class initial consultation intending to make sure you and your pet's are comfortable. After gathering instructions about your pet's routine, health, and other important information, we will go over procedures and answer any lingering questions you may have.

Pet Sitting

Montclair Pet Care offers loving pet care right in the comfort of your own home. 

Pet sitting is a great alternative to kennel boarding and reduces much of the stress that pets receive when you travel. Read more......


Daily Dog Walk 

Don't feel guilty about leaving your hound home alone while you are at work. 

Daily dog walks are a great way to make sure your dog gets exercise and fresh air.  Read more......

Piddle Stop

Piddle stop is a 10 minute Monday through Friday walk for man's (and woman's) best friend. 

Still providing premier warmth, this quick walk is perfect when your mutt just needs a check-in and not a full visit.  Read more......